metropolis m

Sentiment and Manipulation 2015, Website, paintings,
Martijn Hendriks, Untitled, Dinner, 2016 uit INFLECTED OBJECTS # 2 CIRCULATION - Mise en Séance at De Hallen Haarlem

Post-Internet, Post-Human, Circulation, Data-Mining, Dark Geology – the world of Art and Technology is being shaped by lots of new terms and concepts. The Art Magazine Metropolis M presents an afternoon on the way language is helping us find our way in this ever moving and expanding field of renewal and innovation.

Moderated by Melanie Bühler, freelance curator Amsterdam
Introduction Domeniek Ruyters, chief editor of Metropolis M

13.00 – 14.15 hrs Keynotes by:
Orit Gat: New York and London based writer
Florian Cramer: researcher and media theorist

14.15 – 16.00 hrs Case Studies + Q & A by the artists:
Femke Herregraven, Jonas Lund, Rebecca Stephany and Martijn Hendriks

16.00: Conclusion

SATURDAY 13 FEBRUARY ART ROTTERDAM at the Reflections Room – Free Entree
RSVP [email protected]

Femke Herregraven, Rogue Waves, 2015
Jonas Lund, Sentiment and Manipulation 2015, Website, paintings,

Reflections on Thursday and Friday:

Thursday 11 February
Encounters: Art & Context

By West Den Haag | free entry

At a time when thinking in terms of traditional disciplines — such as art, music, dance and architecture – seems to function less and less, the definition of art seems to reside more in method than in appearance. Within the series ‘public meetings’ during ‘Encounters’ two international experts (per event) will be given space to highlight this cultural phenomenon and engage the audience is a discussion.

Moderated by Liesbeth Levy, Director Stichting Lokaal
With: Pascal Gielen and Josephine Bosma; Thijs Lijster; K Schippers & Reinbert de Leeuw; Mark Bain & Xander Karskens; Mischa Andriessen

11.00 hrs at the Reflections Room at Art Rotterdam

Friday 12 February
Artists’ ideals and the ideal curator

By Witte de With

Can curators carry out their practice by themselves? Where and how does the voice of the public, the critic, the institution, or more over, the artist fit within curatorial reflection?

Defne Ayas (director Witte de With) will lead a discussion about this matter in which several curators and artists participate.

With Adam Sutherland & Laure Prouvost; Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung & Satch Hoyt; Gregory Castera & Kobe Matthys; Emily Pethick & Wendelien van Oldenborgh; Rhea Dall & Kristine Siegel

12.00 hrs at Witte de With, Witte de Withstraat 50


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