metropolis m

Ook het leven van een verzamelaar gaat niet altijd over rozen. Artnews laat op hun website enkele van hun ’top 200 verzamelaars’ aan het woord laten over de werken die hen bij onder andere veilingen door de vingers glipten – en, dat blijken er nogal wat te zijn. 

Hieronder een greep uit de reacties: 

Anita and Poju Zabludowicz: My biggest disappointment were all the Koons I wanted to buy. There were so many opportunities, but my husband did not like them. And in the same way, in 1992, when we just starting out and were offered the best Basquiats by Tony Shafrazi, I did not understand and stopped us from acquiring them.

Liz and Eric Lefkofsky: A Martin Kippenberger self-portrait.

Petra and Stephen Levin: We were outbid at auction for a Louise Bourgeois spider sculpture.

En enkele meer relativerende reacties … 

Iris and Matthew Strauss: We do not dwell on the past, only look forward to the future. But if you really want to know, it would be a Lichtenstein.

Danny Goldberg: There are many works that I was sorry not to have bought after the event. This was either because I was uncertain about the acquisition or because the specific work I wanted wasn’t made available to me. However, I have come to the conclusion that for better or worse, there are more great artworks in this world than I will ever be able to afford, so missing out on one work has the benefit of enabling me to acquire another!

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